MSU's Web-Based MSN: Nurse Educators Needed

Michigan State University.

School Overview
 Serves: USA
 Accredited by: NCACHE
 Enrollment: Rolling
 Financial Aid: Yes
 Scholarships: Yes

Education Positions Open in Diverse Healthcare Settings

Michigan State University's online Masters of Science in Nursing Education is one of two fully realized distance-nursing programs available through the College of Nursing. The primary goal in offering the MSN Education track online is to make this graduate nursing degree as accessible as possible. MSU, like many other nursing programs, is sensitive to the plight of the nursing field, especially the profound shortage of nurse educators. Without increased interest in this specialty, the volume of nurses will continue to drop to alarming levels.

Contemporary nurse educators and faculty typically combine advanced clinical practice with teaching in one or more types of educational environments. The image of nurse educator as dusty academic is outdated. Instead, today's educator works not only in academia, but also in healthcare administration, hospital specialty departments, community health, even private healthcare business and industry where the combination of real clinical experience and teaching skills is an advantage.


MSN Education candidates must have a completed Bachelor of Science in Nursing with at least a 3.0 GPA and proof of a valid RN license. Statistics is the only course prerequisite, outside the BSN curriculum.

Distance learners must be highly motivated. Much of the online assignments are asynchronous, students self-pace within an allotted time frame. But for most online programs, students must be willing to collaborate with other classmates. Communication technology such as chat rooms, discussion boards, and email are provided as a means to encourage students to engage each other as well as faculty.


BSNs already have foundation courses in nursing and clinical experience, so this graduate level program focuses in on the education specialization. Coursework includes topics such as: design, development, and analysis of nursing curriculum, role of nurse educator, pathophysiology, community healthcare, and evidence based nursing and research. Education internships require educator candidates to explore teaching and learning within both academic environments as well as clinical settings.

Career Opportunity

Graduate level RNs with a concentration in education, are a valuable nursing commodity. Educators teach in a variety of settings: community colleges, four-year baccalaureate programs, graduate level programs, hospital units, and community health agencies.

Nurse educators interested in teaching at the graduate level, however, are required to earn their Ph.D. in nursing education.

MSU's online nursing programs are constantly updated and modified. Increasing numbers of working nurses seek distance-learning solutions for their higher education needs.

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