Online Nursing Informatics Programs
Rule the Nursing Tech World
If you're working as a professional nurse you've likely had new web-based technologies introduced to your unit or work environment. But how many of those new technologies have proved problematic for nursing? Truth is, most of the healthcare technologies have been created for nurses, but without any input from you, rendering the utilities useless or at the very least maligned by all.
Realize Your Career Mobility
Are you a nurse with geek tendencies? Nursing Informatics wants you. Okay, you've got a full-time job, maybe a family, but you can still go to school. Here's how: online Nursing Informatics and Healthcare Informatics degrees and certificate programs are specifically designed to give working professional nurses the flexibility to make career changes for the better. There are few fields in which you have the career mobility available to you as a nurse. The looming nurse shortage makes it even simpler to move up in nursing into any specialty you want, in any region of the country.
As a Nursing Informatics specialist your job is to assist with the design and development of web-based systems and programs that work for nurses and other healthcare professionals. These types of systems must synthesize the practical aspects of hands-on patient care with the large-scale web infrastructures of most healthcare environments. Not just that, but you may assist with training and product roll-out, translating the technical requirements and necessary skills to nurses just like you.
You Become a Web Expert for Nurses
This highly specialized field combines everything you know as an experienced nurse with all the latest web-based processes and development systems. In order to keep healthcare facilities and practices of all shapes and sizes current, functional and competitive, healthcare informatics must play a primary role.
Again, distance learning Nursing Informatics programs are really only a few clicks away. Financial aid is possible through your employer, your school and don't exclude scholarships and grants available through nursing associations. Regardless of the degree you hold in nursing a healthcare or nursing informatics program is available. Certificates in Informatics provide you with basic skills to get you started in the field with plenty of opportunity to move up. You'll find an increasing number of MSN in Nursing Informatics or Healthcare Informatics, which will put you immediately into programmer, database developer and educator positions with a big boost in pay.