Wednesday, Dec. 9th 2009
Let’s be honest, not all of us are cut out for public service and even less have a stomach strong enough to witness what a nurse must face on a daily basis. Not only do you need to have guts of steel, a career in nursing means long hours, hard work, and a knowledge base […]
Wednesday, Dec. 3rd 2008
Meet Mr. and Mrs. Ma Bell. These two were just ahead of their time. They remind me of people who have their cell phone permanently attached inside of their ear. Ma Bell may not be your mother, and I know that she can’t tell you what to do, but I doubt that she would approve […]
Thursday, Nov. 27th 2008
Paper halo? I didn’t know that they use to make nurses caps out of paper. My cap was made out of starched cloth. We used Lubri-fax to glue the black stripe to the top rim of our caps. Really! I would never lie to you. You can trust me because I’m a nurse. My blog […]
Monday, Nov. 24th 2008
Nursing provides great educational opportunities for nurses within the workplace environment. This nurse is about to learn a valuable lesson about taking care of patients locked up behind bars. Note to self: Never turn your back on a creepy looking prison inmate. I have a simple philosophy about life. Every person that I care for […]
Thursday, Nov. 20th 2008
Nurses are intelligent people. We use our critical thinking skills to solve all types of problems but, from time to time, we all wish that we owned a crystal ball. Meet Nurse Sue Whittier. She had a clouded future and boyfriend problems, so her friends gave her a crystal ball. Check out her boyfriend. He’s […]
Thursday, Nov. 20th 2008
Welcome to my first blog post at An Apple a Day. Mrs. J.S Beatty, RN and I are happy that you dropped by. Mrs. Beatty was the Educational Director of Bradford Hospital School of Nursing back in 1929. I love this picture. It’s a classic. It’s simple, artistic, and it’s steeped in nursing tradition. Nursing […]