Unique Entrepreneur Programs for Nurse Innovators
Learn Cutting-Edge Business Skills Online
Show your business savvy. Step up and prove that professional, experienced nurses can make excellent additions to the healthcare regime as innovators and entrepreneurs. Nurses are already moving upwards to fill administrative, leadership and management roles, so consider the unique spin a nurse trained in the ways of an entrepreneur might bring to the boardroom table.
Traditionally an entrepreneur has been business-related, a confident go-getter with a vision, an innovator. Because healthcare as a business has languished, mid- and upper-level management is seeking industry specialists with a combination business savvy and in-depth know-how of patient care. This combination of knowledge is well suited to nurses.
Want to break out of staid and traditional nursing molds? Wish you could make the administrative changes you can envision? Have big ideas for nursing? Imagine yourself in the role of Nurse Entrepreneur, a decision maker in a private business, a mover and a shaker.
Upward career mobility is one of the beauties of nursing. Nurses at any level have unlimited opportunity: move laterally into another specialty or go back to school and get the edge that will move you vertically, where your experience and unique viewpoint can actually contribute. Online Nurse Entrepreneurship or Nurse Innovator programs are some of the newest education tracks designed for grad level nurses, RNs already considering a move to management, already working in management or those that simply want a unique educational experience that will still boost their careers.
What You'll Learn as an RN Entrepreneur
This un-traditional nursing curriculum will absolutely take you out of the hospital and patient care box. You and online classmates will be challenged to think as do the most business savvy entrepreneurs, brainstorm ideas and bring them to fruition. This way you are given a tool-kit of business skills that you carry with you back to the healthcare system where you are prepared to tackle old issues with new tactics and solutions.
Learn how to take ideas from brainstorm to blueprint, pitch your concepts successfully to even the most negative team member, respond with intelligent arguments, realize project constraints and learn to make smart changes on-the-fly.
Big Salaries Outside the Hospital
Guess what? A post-graduate certificate in Nursing Entrepreneurship or Innovation can buy you a job outside the hospital, in pharmaceuticals, healthcare service sector, in any business that requires the unique experience of a nurse with specialized business skills. And your earning potential will soar, as well.